in-kind support to the AANHPI community
83% going directly to the community
Driven by 130 partners
Despite making up 7% of the US population, AAPI organizations receive less than .2% of philanthropic giving from foundations and less than 1% of Corporate giving.
When the wave of anti-AAPI hate and violence highlighted this glaring resource gap in 2021, our founding board sprang to action, launching the AAPI Giving Challenge, a multi-year campaign designed to unlock resources from foundations, corporations, and individuals to benefit the AAPI community.
The AAPI Giving Challenge is flexible and driven by our partners, so participants shape and manage their own contributions. Where requested, TAAF works alongside Giving Challenge partners to help them implement their commitments. Whether through direct grant-making to AAPI organizations, investing in diversity programs, supporting AAPI businesses, or providing in-kind services, our Giving Challenge partners are making a commitment to reverse the long-standing underinvestment in our communities.
To date, more than 130 partners, including 70 corporate partners, 13 foundations, and 50 individuals, have committed $1.1B in donations and in-kind support, 83% of which will be distributed directly to AAPI communities and causes over five years. Additionally, with the TAAF Board covering all of TAAF’s operating costs, 100% of all funds raised via this new strategy will go directly to programming and initiatives. To learn more about how to be part of this powerful movement, please contact